Effective Date : 20/07/2024

Micropep and all its subsidiaries respect your concerns about the confidentiality and protection of your personal data.

The purpose of this “Personal Data Protection Policy” (hereinafter the “Policy”) is to inform all natural persons concerned (hereinafter referred to as “You” or “Your”) about the manner in which Micropep collects, uses and discloses Personal Data and about the means available to You regarding this information. As such, we will provide you with clear, detailed, and easy-to-understand information about Micropep’s privacy practices and how we process information about You, that directly identifies You, or that makes You identifiable. This version of the Privacy Policy reflects the latest legal and factual developments known at the date of its entry into effect. In particular, this Policy complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (EC Regulation 679/2016). If that affect your rights, we will notify you by placing a notice on the Micropep website, by sending you an email, and/or by some other means as required by applicable law.

Contents of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is applicable when you visit our site or if you are a business contact.

“Personal Data” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, whether directly or indirectly, which is protected by the French Data Protection Act of 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation (repealing Directive 95/46/EC), as well as the Council of Europe’s Convention No. 108 for the Protection of Personal Data.

“Processing” means any operation or set of operations concerning such data, regardless of the process used (collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction, etc.).


Data collected

When you use our site, we may collect and process some or all of the following data:

  • Geolocation ;
  • First name and surname ;
  • E-mail address ;
  • IP address ;
  • Any other Personal Data that may be relevant for the purposes set out below (i.e.: message if you use website contact form…);


However, the Personal Data collected will be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes set out below. Certain functions and features of the site can only be used if You provide certain Personal Data when You visit or use them. You are free to choose whether or not to provide all or part of Your Personal Data. If you choose not to provide them, such a decision may prevent the achievement or satisfactory achievement of certain objectives described below, certain services and features of the site may not function correctly and/or You may be denied access to certain features.


Purposes of collecting personal data

Personal Data is generally collected for the purposes of the Micropep’s business, such as :

Contact details such as Your name, email address, phone number and resume. For example, we collect such information when you submit an application on Hubspot ;

Information you choose to provide when You communicate with us about yourself, for example, when sending a message, submitting information through a webform and any other purpose related to the Micropep’s activity ;

Cookies and Metadata

We may process the personal information we collect about you passively using cookies and other data collection technologies. The types of personal data we process in this context are explained in more detail below. For cookie policy please refer to our Cookie policy page.


We use two types of browser session cookies: temporary cookies that are erased from your device’s memory when you close your web browser or turn off your computer, and persistent cookies that are stored on your device until they expire, unless you delete them before their expiry date. We group our site’s browser cookies into three categories, which you can manage via our cookie preferences manager.

Required cookies

These cookies are necessary to enable the basic functions of this site to function, such as securing the connection.

Functionnal Cookie

These cookies enable us to analyse your use of the site in order to evaluate and improve our performance. They may also be used to provide a better customer experience on this site. For example, by remembering your login details or providing information about how our site is used.

Marketing Cookies

Cookies enable us to monitor the use and performance of our site, to compile statistics and traffic volumes and to use various data from our site (content visited, path taken, pages or sections most frequently consulted, articles most frequently read, etc.) in order to improve the usefulness and ergonomics of our services. If You wish to manage the use of Cookies when using our site, or if You wish to find out about Cookie Management on our other media, please head to Contact – Micropep ( or contact our DPO by e-mail at the following address:


This is data collected or generated automatically when You use Micropep website or services. Metadata is often collected or generated during use of a computer or other device when You send data over a computer network such as the Internet. It contains data that may be used by the user interface or device activities, such as IP addresses, unique identifiers, MAC addresses or Wi-Fi and Bluetooth systems, cookies and computer activity data.


Processing and storage of personal data

The “processing” of Personal Data includes in particular the use, storage, recording, transfer, adaptation, analysis, modification, declaration, sharing and destruction of Personal Data as necessary in the light of the circumstances or legal requirements. Micropep takes all necessary precautions to preserve the security and confidentiality of Personal Data and in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties. Micropep may retain information about You for as long as is necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy :

Where we are processing Personal Information based on a legal obligation, we generally will retain the information for the period of time necessary to fulfill the legal obligation ;

Where we are processing Personal Information based on your consent, we will retain the information until you withdraw your consent ;

Links to external wesite not managed by Micropep

This Policy applies only to Micropep practices, technologies and services. Our Online Materials may include links to websites and online services that are operated by other companies that are not under the control or direction of Micropep. If you provide or submit personal information to these websites or online services, the privacy policies of those websites or online services apply to your personal information. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policies of any websites you visit.

Transfer of your personal data

Micropep may share your personal data with third party service providers to carry out certain processing activities on behalf of Micropep. We require these service providers to conscientiously process and protect your personal data to the same level as set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (EC Regulation 679/2016). In addition, we will only disclose Your personal data if required or permitted to do so by law, to the extent necessary to prevent or combat fraud, to settle a dispute, or for any other legitimate need for which the circumstances would outweigh your private interests, such as in particular the safety of our business or that of our staff. These transfers may take place via the Internet or by any other method deemed appropriate by Micropep in accordance with applicable legislation.

Right to access and rectify data

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and the applicable version of Act Informatique et Libertés (Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties) dated 6 January 1978, Micropep is informing you that you have a right to access and rectify the Personal Data we collect.

You also have a right to oppose the processing of your Personal Data for legitimate reasons and to obtain a copy of Your Personal Data. You may exercise Your rights by sending an email to: Micropep reserves the right to refuse access to Personal Data in special cases founded in applicable legislative and regulatory provisions.

Your other rights

The natural persons whose Personal Data may be protected by the General Data Protection Regulation enjoy several rights as defined below:

  • Right to information – especially to know the reasons for processing or the rights of natural persons
  • Right to erasure – the right for a person to have their data deleted when they withdraw their consent to their data being processed, when they object to such processing, when the data are no longer necessary in view of the processing purpose, when the data have been illegally processed or when the data must be deleted for legal reasons
  • Right to limit the processing – the right to obtain a limit to the processing when the person concerned objects to such processing, or claims that the data is incorrect or illicit
  • Right to data portability – when processing is based on consent or an agreement and carried out through automated processes, the person concerned has the right to receive the data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable and interoperable form and to transmit the data to another controller, to which the original controller cannot object
  • Right to object – the right to object at any moment to data being processed
  • Right to object to automated decision making – right for a person to object to decisions being made about them based exclusively on automated processing, including profiling, and which produce a legal effect for that natural person or which may affect them, except when such decisions are necessary for a contract to be entered into or performed, are authorised by law or based on the person’s consent.
  • For further information on Your rights, please click refer to the CNIL webpage about “Rights and Obligations”.

You may exercise Your rights by sending an email to:

Data security

At Micropep, we take care to protect your Personal Data and keep them safe, ensuring that they remain confidential and preventing them from being altered, damaged, deleted or disclosed to unauthorised third parties. Micropep has taken physical, electronic and organisational measures to prevent any loss, misuse, unauthorised access or dissemination, alteration or deletion of Personal Data. Such measures include the use by Micropep of technologies specially designed to protect Personal Data during transmission. However, despite Micropep’s efforts to protect Your Personal Data, complete and faultless protection cannot be guaranteed given the inevitable risks to which your Personal Data may be exposed when being transmitted.

Since all Personal Data are confidential, access to such data is limited to the Micropep’s personnel, service providers and officers who need it when performing their duties. All persons accessing Your Personal Data are bound by a confidentiality obligation. However, to prevent any unauthorised use of Your Personal Data, you must be careful. You are responsible for keeping Your password and other account information secret. You must, therefore, close Your session if You share Your computer with someone else.

Conflict resolution

Even though Micropep has taken reasonable measures to protect Personal Data, no transmission or storage system is absolutely certain. However, Micropep takes great care to ensure that Personal Data are protected. If you have reasons to believe that the safety of your Personal Data has been compromised or your data have been misused, please contact Micropep by sending an email to: Micropep shall process complaints about the use and disclosure of Personal Data and shall attempt to resolve complaints in accordance with the principles set out in this Policy. Misuse or unauthorised access to Personal Data may be considered to be a breach of the legislation applicable within the European Union boundaries.

Contact DPO

Please feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer with either or by writing to us at the following postal address:

Jean-Claude HAW-KING-CHON – Data Protection Officer
127 Impasse Jeanne Barret
31320 Auzeville-Tolosane

 Contact the Competent Autority for Data Protection

You have the right to restrict the use by Micropep of other Information constituting Your Personal Data and to lodge a complaint to your local data protection authority or the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés by either using the online from on the CNIL website or by writing at the following postal address:

Monday to Thursday from 9:00am to 6:30pm / Friday from 9:00am to 6:00pm
3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07
Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22 / Fax: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 00


We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, and if we do, the most current version will be available on this current page with the date indicating when it was last updated. These changes might be minor, such as updating an address or fixing a typo, or they may be material, such as changes that affect your rights. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy that affect your rights, we will notify you by placing a notice on the Micropep website, by sending you an email, and/or by some other means as required by applicable law.